Essential Elements in Choosing The Best Cock Cage For Loved Ones

I’m going to shake everyone up today, but it will be for the collective good. I am surprised at how chastity is often associated with the chastity cage. By chastity cage, I mean this tube assembled to a ring that is taken behind the testicles, like the CB2000, 3000, 6000, bird locked, Morgan prison etc. On all sites, everywhere on the internet it is suggested that it is enough to lock the penis of his submissive to obtain a lot of behavioral progress. By reading all that is said, we would believe that it is easy, that after a few days of adaptation we can wear one permanently. What is the most comfortable cock cage? Let’s find it out.

It is to forget that at each erection, the tube is pushed forward, and not without force (an erection, a real, especially that of the morning, is powerful), the penis pushes the tube and the ring behind the testicles which is integral with the tube, pulls them forward. The subject is left with not only a sharp pain but also with an erection despite everything since it happens behind the cage, more at the root of the penis. And if the plastic cages are sources of unbearable pain due to the material, the metal cages are certainly an incredible comfort compared to the plastic cages but still painful at night and allowing an erection to bloom behind the cage. Thus, if the cage is a punitive tool for erection in the sense that the erection must be punished with pain, the cage is a good thing.

And that does not prevent to afford some solitary pleasures. Very simple: take the cage, wave frantically up and down to create a rub inside and you get a completely satisfactory masturbation. Your submissive can give him pleasure without you realizing it because he does not need to free himself. The greater the frustration of the submissive, the easier and faster it is.

As for the practical aspects, the cage hangs and so small it is necessary to bear the weight. It should also be stored to the right or left when sitting, which can be noticed. At night, for those who sleep on the stomach, it is left or right. The adaptation is not so easy. And in truth, we can never manage to have peaceful nights at last. Of all the testimonials submitted long-term caged, you will never have one in a thousand who will pretend to sleep at a time from bedtime to sunrise, if it is frank (often the submissive tend to present the thing in a favorable light “do not worry, I do not hurt, it’s fine” by pride when in truth they grit their teeth and suffer in silence).

Now, let’s come to the belts. It is fine to forbid access to the genitals but then what huge belts I grant you! The belt is binding for the lower back; under the pants they leave a big bump or curious forms … No possibility to wear it reasonably in society. These are very effective game objects but very unobtrusive and unthinkable for a serious port.

What do you usually expect from a chastity device for your submissive?

It is discreet so that it can evolve in society normally. It can be worn continuously, day and night. That it is not painful. That it forbids all masturbation and erection. He is inviolable. As we have seen, if the smaller cages are discrete, they do not prevent solitary pleasures, they also allow the deployment of an early erection and they are painful. The belts themselves are not very discreet and are difficult to wearable in the long term.

On the other hand, the chastity cage equipped with a belt meets all your expectations. It is a classic cage that is attached to a belt on the hips and the back of the belt joins the bottom of the ring passing between the buttocks. In illustration, here you find the CS100 Fetish Felix, for which there is no more and no less than the bare necessities for perfect chastity, except that it should be secured with a piercing inside the tube.

Once the material is adapted to the morphology of your subject, the tube is firmly pressed against the pubis and is motionless. So:

  • Any masturbation waving the cage is impossible: the tube is immobilized by the rest
  • The device is extremely discreet: the cage is pressed against the pubis so no longer forms suspicious hump under the pants and the belt is below the line of pants.
  • Any erection strictly impossible, not even a beginning of erection: the tube cannot be pushed forward.
  • No pain day or night: the testicles are no longer pulled forward, they hang freely in the air

All you have to do is make sure you get an airy cage accompanied by a padlock at its end, locking in a piercing (any serious chastity device requires securing by piercing, brake or PA, otherwise we can extricate when the penis is so flaccid as when leaving a bath in Brittany as would say some)

Regarding the rod passing between the buttocks, this junction between the back of the belt and the cage is necessary to immobilize the whole (the belt alone is not enough, otherwise we can make movements back and forth and therefore masturbatory), not too tight, however, so you can move him to the side to go to the bathroom.

Several manufacturers offer this type of thing. It is not much more expensive than the cages (300 to 400 dollars), much less than the belts (nearly 1000 dollars anyway) but it is much higher. With this kind of device, your subject will not be able to evoke the nocturnal pains to hope to be released; he will not have any more! In the same way for the discretion, one sees absolutely nothing. Such a belt can be worn permanently, even under pants close to the body since there is absolutely nothing.

Thus, if you want to equip your subject with a chastity device valid for long term, safe, comfortable, you just need to get a cage with a belt and a rod passing between the buttocks. If the quality of manufacture is good (steel of quality etc), your subject will get used to it very quickly and will forget it, except when it will try to bandage, of course you will have to take care of this:

  • The belt should be the size of your subject’s hips
  • The tube should be as short and narrow as possible
  • The tube must be ventilated and accept safety device by piercing (padlock or other)

On the other hand, if your goal is to punish the erection, I suggest the kali teeth with a ring behind the testicles and piercing securing to prevent any withdrawal. Then each erection will be a torture and it will be impossible for your subject to cut. Do not use a cock cage to treat serious erection problems. Even though a cock cage can help you get a stronger and firm erection, it will not heal you. It is not a medical instrument.

Check out this amazing collection of cock cages by going to

Penile Ring: How to measure?

Here is perhaps the most important part of this guide! Indeed, this step is crucial, because if it is not done correctly, you will end up with a cock cage too tight, too big, not pleasant or inefficient. To measure your cock cage size, you need two things: A designer meter (or a string with a pen) and an erect penis.